Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran is committed to being a good stewards of our environment. We have installed solar panels and continue to strive to keep God's command of caring for the earth.

Learn more of how we are committed to going green.

Who are we?

Our Mission

ornament1 Our mission is rooted in Jesus’ command to love one another. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we reach out to our community, sharing God’s free gift of salvation, seeking and welcoming all people into our fellowship.

Our History

ornament1Hill Avenue Grace Lutheran Church was founded on February 20, 1919 in Pasadena, California. We continue to serve our community and strive be a light for God in our neighborhood.



ornament1Join us for in person worship Sundays at 10AM! We also have virtual worship via Zoom and Facebook Live on Sundays at 10am. We celebrate Holy Communion every week. All are welcome.

Grace Food Shelf

ornament1The Grace Food Shelf is open every Saturday from 9:30 – 11:30 am. We aim to serve all in need.

Upcoming Events

What's new?

VBS 2019

2019 Christian Day Camp

500 year Reformation